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Solicitation of Comments


The Commission currently publishes, in its accredited lists of programs, the year of the next site visit for each program it accredits. In addition, 委员会将其春季和秋季实地考察公告发布在委员会网站的实地考察过程和计划区域,用于本年度和明年实地考察的项目.  Special site visits and initial accreditation site visits for developing programs may be scheduled after the posting on the Commission’s website; thus, the specific dates of these site visits may not be available for publication.  鼓励对这些具体日期(如果确定)感兴趣的各方与委员会办公室联系. The Commission will request written comments from interested parties on the CODA website. 

美国教育部(USDE)的程序要求认证机构提供第三方评论的机会, 以书面形式或公开听证会(由认证机构自行决定)对计划进行审查的机构或项目进行审查.  All comments must relate to accreditation standards for the discipline and required accreditation policies.  为了遵守教育部澳门威尼斯人赌城使用第三方评论澳门威尼斯人赌城项目资格认证或初步认证的要求, the following procedures have been developed.

那些计划定期审查的项目必须通过适当通知感兴趣的社区和公众(如教师)来征求第三方的意见, students, program administrators, dental-related organizations, patients, and consumers at least ninety (90) days prior to their site visit.  该通知应注明在委员会办公室收到第三方意见的60天期限,并规定接受签名或未签名的意见, that names and/or signatures will be removed from comments prior to forwarding them to the program, 并且评论必须只与委员会认证过程中使用的特定项目或政策和程序的标准有关.  公告中可注明,可通过与东芝加哥大道211号委员会联系获得适当的认证标准和/或委员会澳门威尼斯人赌城第三方意见的政策, Chicago, IL 60611, or by calling 1/800-621-8099, extension 4653.   

所有提交的意见必须只涉及与被审查的特定项目或认证过程中使用的政策和程序相关的标准.  Comments will be screened by Commission staff for relevancy.  Signed or unsigned comments will be considered.  For comments not relevant to these issues, the individual will be notified that the comment is not related to accreditation and, where appropriate, referred to the appropriate agency.  For those individuals who are interested in submitting comments, requests may be made to the Commission office.

所有相关意见将删除姓名和/或签名,然后在现场访问前至少五十(50)天提交给项目进行审查和回复.  项目的书面答复应在实地考察前十五(15)天提供给委员会办公室和访问委员会.  为了与适当的人员讨论意见,可能需要调整现场访问时间表.  在实地考察前六十(60)天的截止日期之后收到的负面评论将作为投诉处理. 与项目是否符合认证标准有关的任何未解决的问题将由访问委员会在现场进行审查.

Programs with the status of initial accreditation, 寻求初步认证的项目必须通过适当通知感兴趣的社区和公众(如教师)征求意见, students, program administrators, dental-related organizations, patients, and consumers utilizing the procedures noted above.


On occasion, 由于访问的紧迫性,可能会安排特别重点或特别全面的现场访问, solicitation of third-party comments within the ninety (90) day time-frame may not be possible.  However, 在通知该项目委员会计划的实地考察时,必须征求第三方意见, typically sixty (60) days in advance of the visit. In this case, the timeframe for solicitation of third-party comments will be shortened. 该通知应注明在委员会办公室接受第三方意见的30天期限,并规定接受签名或未签名的意见, that names and/or signatures will be removed from comments prior to forwarding them to the program, 并且评论必须只与委员会认证过程中使用的特定项目或政策和程序的标准有关.  所有相关意见将删除姓名和/或签名,然后在现场访问前至少二十(20)天提交给项目进行审查和回复.  项目的书面答复应在实地考察前十(10)天提供给委员会办公室和访问委员会.  为了与适当的人员讨论意见,可能需要调整现场访问时间表.  与项目是否符合认证标准有关的任何未解决的问题将由访问委员会在现场进行审查. 在现场参观前三十(30)天的截止日期之后收到的负面评论将作为投诉处理.                      

所有相关评论都将删除签名,并在现场访问前至少五十(50)天提交给该计划进行审查和回复.  项目的书面答复应在实地考察前十五(15)天提供给委员会办公室和访问委员会.  为了与适当的人员讨论意见,可能需要调整现场访问时间表.  在实地考察前六十(60)天的截止日期之后收到的负面评论将作为投诉处理.

Revised: 8/19; 8/18; 2/18; 2/16; 2/15; 8/13; 8/12, 8/11, 7/09, 8/02, 1/97; Reaffirmed: 8/13; 8/10, 1/03; Adopted: 7/95

INSTITUTION: Lincoln Memorial University

PROGRAM(S) TO BE REVIEWED: PreDoctoral – Doctor of Medicine in Dentistry

SITE VISIT DATE:  August 27 – 29th, 2024


  (Commission on Dental Accreditation, 211 E. Chicago Avenue, Chicago, IL  60611)